
New single: “Once upon a Bandit Town”

once upon a bandit town

Release November 15: ”TAPE FIVE is back with classic Electro Swing in its own style for our long-time listeners. Driving swing, rolling clarinets & a screaming trumpet in a filmish scene.…and they all grooved happily ever after.”

“Best of…” CD version OUT NOW!

best of tape five cd

Our “Best of TAPE FIVE – swing edition” is out now on CD – if you like! Depending on the country it could take a while till it’s in the shops. Already there in the UK, a bit lazy in Germany for example. I will update it…But anyway, the CD is looking and feeling really good!

„The Roaring 2020s“ shirt!

We know what you can give as a gift for Christmas or wear on New Year’s Eve: „The Roaring 2020s“ shirt!  Find this or other stuff in our shop at: http://tapefive.com/shop/#!/

New album – new artist image!

1920s, badboygoodman, electroswing, electroswingparty, greatgatsby, neoswing, prohibition, speakeasy, Tape Five

there we go: Henrik Wager (vocals), Martin Strathausen (instruments, production) Dimitrij Markitantov (Woodwinds). New album “The Roaring 2020s” out there…Cheers!

New album “The Roaring 2020s”

electroswing tape five

New TAPE FIVE album “The Roaring 2020s” finally ready, I’m excited! Digital release October 25th, 2019. (CD November 15th) Check our little album trailer at Youtube! What more can I say?