
“Best of TAPE FIVE” CD coming soon!

tape five best of

As our older CD albums are out of stock now, we decided not to re-press those, but instead we have bundled our favourite and best known Swing tracks on this edition, which of course will be available for streaming, too. Coming soon! Stay tuned…

New summer beats under construction!

tape five majela qban soul

just working with Majela Qban Soul on new material for single releases this summer…the vibes are Latin, especially ‘Reggaeton’ at the moment. In between you might check our recent playlist on Spotify

Big Blue Swing!

tape five jazz radio swing

Thanks for listening and broadcasting our new EP “Big Blue Swing” in so many countries! TAPE FIVE is already working on a new release with some “spring vibes”…Cheers!

New release “Big Blue Swing” on Dec 17th!

big blue swing tape five

Back to our roots as the “pioneer of electroswing” with this release: “Big Blue Swing” – is that special colourful night on the town. Or maybe you’re running from the rough justice of the “Tommy Gun Shuffle”?! As a bonus track, we include a version of our golden oldie „Geraldines Routine“. Keep on swinging!

New Single on July 16th!

tape five, a lazy summer day,

It was one of those days… too hot to do anything except chilling and feeling embraced by the warm breeze carrying the sweet smells of summer. Stop the worrying and feel your frown melt into the moment of just being there…with that special somebody sharing it all with you. Well…every perfect scene needs a perfect song… ”A Lazy Summer Day”.
This familiar slow r&b style, that our producer already played back in the early 80s in his roof top rehearsal room seems to be making a worthy come back – and it fits perfectly into TAPE FIVE’s tasty catalogue of vintage vibes and retro re-creation. And by the way… we are also experts in the art of laziness!
So join our international co-conspirators Henrik Wager (English) – Dionne Wudu (African) – Martin Strathausen (German) in this little prayer to laziness. Trust us – we had enough time to practise…
Cheers and keep the good vibes vibrating…

New release in April 2021!

tapefive, tape five, electroswing,

After recording & working all that lazy & crazy lockdown times, a new EP with some positive vibes as usual will be released in April. Details soon. Hoping for a nice & sunny spring! Cheers & stay safe…

Cheers 2021!

tape five electroswing

may there be better times for the world. And by the way, we’re still busy, after the single release in December 2020 there will be a new EP in spring coming soon. Stay safe folks!

New dance video from Tokyo…

tapefive electroswing

Check out how the delightful dames from tantalising Tokyo called “Jazfume” danced to our song “Party like its 1929″ ( from the album “The Roaring 2020s”). Thanks Ladies…and upload some more of your magical moves. Always at your swinging service….Tape Five

New studio, new tools, new vibes…

tapefive electroswing

…working on a EP for autumn release…Cheers & stay safe!