bad boy

TAPE FIVE in Dolby Atmos!

tape five

Release September 01 on Apple Music – “This is a Dolby Atmos version of our successful Electro-Swing song “Bad Boy Good Man” – of which we just did a 2023 remix of our own. TAPE FIVE has always been interested in fully exploiting the sonic stage of a recording… this is our first endeavour into this new sonic dimension (Dolby Atmos mix by Jakob Himmelein from the famous Peppermint Park Studio in Hanover, Germany). Let’s see how it will evolve in the future.”

new single May 19, 2023!

bad boy good man rmx

“Bad Boy Good Man” gained around 50 million streams (at Spotify and Pandora). Now in 2023, 14 years after creating that song, we thought it’s time for a facelifted version. Soon available on all platforms…